Research Experience for Teachers (2015-2016)

Waste Management and Composting

Emily Hoffman's Poster
Author: Emily Hoffman
Unit Title: Waste Management and Composting
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Subject: Environmental Science
Estimated Duration: 2 weeks
Unit Activities:

Pre/Post Test:

The Big Idea (including global relevance)

Waste management is a big issue in this country and worldwide. Landfills are quickly becoming full with excess food waste which is decomposing and producing large amounts of methane gas. This methane is contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Essential Questions

How can we monitor/control the amount of food waste generated by people?

The Hook

Students will watch the 30 minute documentary Garbage World, or watch Just Eat It.

The Challenge

The students will construct a small batch compost container using food waste from school cafeteria. The compost will then be tested on moisture, pH, Odor, and, Macroinvertebrates for effectiveness of design. Students will then redesign as the compost process proceeds

Guiding Questions

  • How can we collect the recyclable trash and reuse it??
  • As a school, how can we lower the amount of waste we produce?
  • How can we change the perception of wasted food and recyclable items?
  • How can we implement a recycle program at school?
  • How can we manage our food waste sustainably?

ACS (Real world applications; career connections; societal impact)

Composting is a technique used by many people in suburban and urban areas. This process will help maximize their compost piles and allow students to check parameters to make sure it is working correctly.

The entire topic of what to do with food waste is a major issue cities are dealing with as landfills become full.

Waste Water Treatment, Waste Management, Solid Waste Management, Environmental Waste Manager


  • Landfills solve waste problems
  • Recycling solves waste problems
  • Everyone recycles
  • Waste management ends in a landfill
  • Everything grown in the field ends up in the market to sell
  • The dates on the food labels are exact

Unit Lessons and Activities

  • Lesson 1: Deal with current waste management issues. Students will visit a recycling center or waste management area and are then introduced to the issue of food waste through watching a documentary. Watching the documentary serves as the hook for the EDP process and begins the thought process of how to solve this major issue of the amount of food waste produced.
    • Activity 1: Where does our waste go?
    • Activity 2: Just Eat it: Food Waste
  • Lesson 2: Contain an informational lab and the challenge. In the lab, students will gain a component of information that will allow them to assess the progress of their design in the challenge portion. In activity 4, students are presented with the challenge of designing a compost container to deal with food waste at school.
    • Activity 3: Macroinvertebrates and Decomposition
    • Activity 4: Design a Compost container and monitor the decomposition progress.

Additional Resources

Food Waste Movie Link