Universal Dataset
Number: 164
Name:   Units
Status: Current
Owner:  General
Revision Date: 19-AUG-1987

Record 1:       FORMAT(I10,20A1,I10)
                Field 1      -- units code
                                = 1 - SI: Meter (newton)
                                = 2 - BG: Foot (pound f)
                                = 3 - MG: Meter (kilogram f)
                                = 4 - BA: Foot (poundal)
                                = 5 - MM: mm (milli newton)
                                = 6 - CM: cm (centi newton)
                                = 7 - IN: Inch (pound f)
                                = 8 - GM: mm (kilogram f)
                                = 9 - US: USER_DEFINED
                                = 10- MN: mm (newton)
                Field 2      -- units description (used for
                                documentation only)
                Field 3      -- temperature mode
                                = 1 - absolute
                                = 2 - relative
Record 2:       FORMAT(3D25.17)
                Unit factors for converting universal file units to SI.
                To convert from universal file units to SI divide by
                the appropriate factor listed below.
                Field 1      -- length
                Field 2      -- force
                Field 3      -- temperature
                Field 4      -- temperature offset


         2Foot (pound f)               2
  3.28083989501312334D+00  2.24808943099710480D-01  1.79999999999999999D+00
