Research Experience for Teachers (2009-2010)
NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET)
Middle and High School In-Service Teachers
"Challenge-Based Learning and Engineering Design Process Enhanced Research Experiences for Middle and High School In-Service Teachers"
To educate, cultivate, and enrich science and math teachers' content delivery in their classrooms by exploring the engineering design-and-challenge instruction process and the critical research skills used by engineers to solve open-ended real-world problems.
The participating teachers will become role models by applying their research experiences in their classrooms with colleagues.
The teachers' new skills will enable their students to directly link their education to current events and the needs of their community and encourage them to become effective citizens in a technology-driven society.
Experience Provided
Two teachers working as a team on one project for six summer weeks. A Faculty Mentor and Graduate Student Mentor will guide each research team on daily basis.
Teachers taking a series of professional development seminars taught by education and engineering faculty members and practicing engineers.
Teachers will earn will receive a total of four Continuing Education Unit credits for the combined summer research and professional development experience.
Teachers participating in four field trips.
Teachers working with a team of five engineering NSF GK-12 Fellows on developing lesson plans before finishing the RET summer experience.
Teachers producing following deliverables at the end of the six-week summer RET experience:
A technical report and PowerPoint presentation of the research project completed.
A report and PowerPoint presentation of the classroom implementation plan.
Display posters for the research project completed and the classroom implementation plan (one for each).
A 5-minute Movie showcasing: Research conducted in the engineering lab - what was done, what was found, what it meant, and what ACS (real-world Applications, Career possibilities, and Societal impacts) was highlighted.
A summary report of the summer RET experience.
Upon returning, the teachers implementing their experience in at least one course taught by them during the next year and conduct assessment of student learning following project protocols.
Upon returning, the teachers preparing at least one paper for presentation at a regional/national education conference, and implement their experience in at least one course taught by them during the next year.
The RET results will be disseminated to other K-12 teachers through a dedicated Website to which the teachers will contribute their lesson implemented.
Teachers will receive following monetary benefits:
Stipend of $4500 for in-service and $3000 for pre-service teachers for summer and $1500 during school year.
Laptop on loan until Post-RET implementation.
Supplies to conduct research projects during summer.
$200 support for Post RET classroom implementation.
$200 support for presentation at a regional/national education conference after RET (additional funds may also be available).
Performance Expectations
You will participate for the full 6 weeks (June 22 - July 31. 2009) from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. The lunch break is 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM daily. The daily RET activities are typically planned as follows: 20 hours per week (8:00 AM to 12: 00 Noon) devoted to research and 20 hours per week devoted to professional development activities (1:00 to 5:00 PM).
Other than holidays no exceptions will be made to the schedule (no absences).
You will receive the full summer stipend ($4500 for in-service teachers and $3000 for pre-service teachers) at the end of the six weeks. Missing any days will impact the amount of money that you receive.
You are expected to participate in Pre- and Post-RET implementation, including time during the 2009-2010 academic year.
Post-RET implementation includes: implementing the activity designed during the summer from the RET research experience, collecting student attitude evaluation data, and submitting all activity information to be posted on the RET website following format requirements given.
You will be required to come to UC for two reflective progress group meetings and one focus group meeting during the 2009-2010 academic year. This is a total of 3 RET meetings. You will be required to submit a reflective progress report at each group meeting. You will be required to submit a final lesson plan and report before the focus group.
You will receive a laptop to keep only if you complete the full Post-RET requirements, otherwise the laptop will need to be returned. (Second year RET participants will not receive a laptop.)
You will need to arrange for a recording (something that can be viewed on the computer would be best) a class session. Any math or science lesson can be recorded. This will count as the Pre-RET observation.
You agree to come for an after school hour on campus (UC) meeting sometime at the end of May to sign the contract and receive more information. The tentative date is set for Thursday, May 27th at 4:30 PM on UC campus (venue will be informed). Attendance at this meeting is mandatory.
The Post-RET payments (total = $1500) will be made in installments and will be linked to the items that are required above (deliverables #5 and #6).